Christianity is under attack. The very essence of following the precepts and teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ is not only being ignored, it is being rejected by the woke culture of this nation. Interesting that even with the laws and promises of religious freedom, there is an enormous push to legislatively remove any reference to the God of our nation. In many cases, churches, memorials, statues, and sacred artifacts are being vandalized daily. This nation was founded by and dedicated to our Lord Jesus Christ. Just look at the facts and learn your history. Our currency states, In God we Trust. Our federal buildings are adorned with scripture from the Holy Bible. Our nation’s pledge of allegiance states, “One God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”.
Many forget or don’t realize that the three branches of government found in our Constitution are the result of biblical scripture. “For the LORD is our judge (Supreme Court), the LORD is our lawgiver (Congress), the LORD is our king (Presidency); He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22 (parenthesis inclusions are mine). It seems that the verse inspired James Madison to separate the powers while attending the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Our founders were deeply religious men who drew the inspiration for our Declaration of Independence and Rights from the Bible and Christianity.
Our first universities were founded by Christians. The first hospital was a church, the first school was a church, benevolence to help the needy didn’t come initially from the government, it came from the church! So why is it so important to remove all the “God” references from the fabric of our society. Many may say it’s due to the separation of church and state. Ahhhh, that’s it, you say? However, that rule is completely taken out of context as it was written to protect the church, not the state! This has been so widely misunderstood and misapplied! In short, it was meant to prevent government from using it’s authority in establishing a national religion. Just read the the establishment clause…. “ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.
The ramifications of the misinterpretation are huge and frightening. For example, taking prayer out of school has done immeasurable damage. In essence, we’ve kicked our Lord out to the curb. He no longer is protecting our children. Not allowing children or adults to pray before class, before a sporting events, before performing for an audience is not only removing the ability for someone to exercise their faith freely, it is spiritually dangerous. And we as a nation are not even consistent with the application of that misunderstanding. Allowing Muslims to pray but not Christians seems obviously prejudicial and unfair, but it is happening.
America is a blessed land. That blessing comes from the Lord Jesus Christ. The war within America is raging on and removing that blessing. Those of us who love this free, blessed land will not let evil and tyranny run roughshod over us. The battle may rage on but the victory is ours, sayeth the Lord!
We invite you watch these messages. Hear and learn the truth, stand with us, pray for our nation, remain ever vigilant and hopeful in the Lord. We will be victorious!