We are a non-profit organization representing a constituency of voting age members who share conservative, Godly values. Our purpose is to provide truthful information about candidates, platforms, agendas, and legislation as compared to the precepts and truths of God’s Holy Word.
What about us, you ask? We are about our Heavenly Father’s business. We are praying for a Moral Awakening. We are praying for change of direction in our culture. We are taking back what the enemy stole. We are not remaining silent anymore, we are rising up and shouting from the rooftops to wake our region, this wonderful state, this glorious nation and the world that God created…it’s about time for a Moral Awakening. It’s time for our voices to be heard. It’s time to return to Godly values. What the mainstream media has labeled good Godly people as extremists, right-wing conservatives, evangelicals, deplorables and fanatics, however… what we truly are…. We are believers and followers of Christ Jesus. Lovers of the one and only true living God who laid down his life for ours and everyones. Our views are His views and although they have been called out by the opposition as out-of-touch, archaic, traditional, and conservative, they are so much more. Godly values speak to life, love, liberty, truth, and freedom. This is what we’re about! Not just for a few or some, but for everyone!! Come and See, says the Lord. One Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for ALL!
We are we about? Stand with us or stand aside while we…. RISE UP, VOICE UP, and VOTE UP!
Our Mission
“To educate voters for the purpose of empowering our collective voices and godly values to be represented through our civil right to vote.”
Our Values
We are praying for a Moral Awakening. Our country’s moral foundation is decaying and withering away. We are rising up, extending our voices, and exercising our voting rights, to return our nation to the holy, Godly, righteous values that Jesus taught us and that this country was founded upon.
We value what the Living God values therefore;
- We value Life… all life including the life in the womb,
- We value the right to Worship our God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) who was and is and is to come,
- We value faith and the hope that comes in the faith of our God.
- We value the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman,
- We value the right to assemble and gather as a congregation, freely and without duress.
- We value helping those in need by feeding the poor, supporting the widow, assisting the needy, healing the broken.
- We value raising children with Godly principles.
- We value education that includes creation and other biblical truths.
- We value prayer, in the home, in the schools, in sports, in life.
- We value the Godly definition and creation of gender as only a man and a woman.
- We value freedom from tyranny.
- We value safety and security.
- We value Godly morals.